If you are thinking of moving to a different institution, speak with your current institution for information on doing this. In most circumstances, the new institution will be restricted from enrolling you if you have not completed a minimum of six months of the main course of study (at your current institution) for which your visa was granted.
If you want to change institutions before completing the first six months of your main course of study you must contact your current institution for permission. You will require a letter of offer from the new institution in order to apply for a letter of release from your current institution.
What documents do I need to change to a new university?
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There may be some documentation required before changing institutions – each institution will be different. For example, if you have been studying for less than six months, you will require a formal letter of release from your current institution, as well as any other necessary documents required by the institution’s transfer policy. You should speak to a student advisor, as they will be able to take you through the transfer policies and process.
Regarding your student visa, if you have been studying for over six months and are changing to the same or higher-level AQF course, your education provider will inform the Department of Home Affairs and your ImmiAccount will be updated automatically.
If you are under 18, then a parent or guardian must provide a letter supporting the transfer.